| On
Jun 29, 2023

BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules Race-Based Affirmative Action Programs Unconstitutional

By Bo Banks

The Supreme Court just ruled race-based college admissions quotas unconstitutional under the 14th amendment.

The decision was 6-3. And the majority opinion, which was written by Chief Justice John Roberts, wields a major blow to affirmative action.

From The Daily Caller:

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday to block affirmative action in two closely watched lawsuits against Harvard and the University of North Carolina (UNC).

The cases, initially brought by a coalition of students, prospective applicants and their parents in 2014, challenged the universities’ use of racial preferences during the admissions process, alleging they violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.

The court overruled its 2003 decision in Grutter v. Bollinger, which held that race could be a factor in the admissions process.

This roll back of affirmative action policies at the university level will undoubtedly lead to the upending of corporate hiring and recruiting practices down the line.

Per Axios last week, just ahead of this anticipated ruling, many schools have already been preparing for the consequences of this ruling, because “if overturned, corporate hiring and recruiting practices could be next to land in the crosshairs.”

Schools like Cornell University have already established a task force to figure out how it will continue to recruit diverse classes. One that will “examine pipelines and pathways to college, as well as recruitment and retention strategies.”

Axios also warned that because of this “discriminatory” SCOTUS ruling, “companies could see an uptick in reverse discrimination claims from employees.”

Now that the ruling is official, legal challenges from affirmative action supporters are likely to ensue. Even though 62% of Americans oppose race-based college admissions.

Thanks to this ruling, the one true systemic racism system in the US has been abolished.

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