According to a Tuesday report, a New York Catholic diocese is part of a $27.5 million settlement against the embattled church for the sexual abuse of four men.
“Four men who were repeatedly sexually abused as children by a religion teacher at a Roman Catholic church reached a $27.5 million settlement with the Diocese of Brooklyn and a local after-school program on Tuesday, in one of the largest settlements ever awarded to individual victims of abuse within the church,” the report said.
The men were abused by 67-year-old Angelo Serrano, who taught catechism classes and organized religious education programs at St. Lucy’s – St.Patrick’s Church in Brooklyn. He reportedly abused them at the church, during the after school program, and in his apartment.
The Catholic Church has been in hot water for months now, dodging sexual abuse scandals and allegations of coverups that rise all the way to the level of Pope Francis.
Four states have subpoenaed all documents from all Catholic dioceses relating to sexual abuse within the dioceses after a former church diplomat accused Pope Francis of covering up the serial sexual abuse of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who recently resigned in disgrace.
The Pope has done nothing to quell the concerns of Catholics or members of the community at large. In fact, he has repeatedly attacked the victims, likening them to Satan and comparing the accused clergy members to Jesus on “Good Friday,” using biblical pretext to encourage the accused to remain silent.
Lat week, a viral photo of the Pope grinning and laughing with high-ranking church members at an emergency meeting to discuss sexual abuse within the Church sparked outrage.