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Sep 23, 2021

COVID CULT: UC Berkeley Student Reports Being Shamed and Reprimanded After Removing Mask for Three Seconds to Drink Water in Class

By Shane Trejo

Journalist Michael Tracey published testimony he received from a student at far-left University of California-Berkeley showing just how deranged and psychotic the COVID submission cult has become.

The female student explained that she was shamed and reprimanded for removing her mask for three seconds and getting a sip of water during a lecture.

“On the first day of class of about 150 people, I briefly pulled my mask down to drink some water. The class was promptly stopped by the professor to tell me and the rest of the class that it is campus policy as well as the professor’s policy that masks are to be worn over the nose and mouth at all times in lectures even to take a sip of water,” she explained to Tracey.

For merely quenching her thirst, she was ostracized by the psychopaths who have lost their critical reasoning to fear propaganda.

“This lecture is 90 minutes mind you. I was baffled that in a room full of fully vaccinated students and teachers, removing a mask for 3 seconds to drink water is not acceptable. We are also required to submit a survey on cal central, our student portal page, declaring that we don’t have symptoms or contact with any individuals with positive covid cases,” the student said.

Her email to Tracey can be seen here:

Big League Politics has reported on how the scientific tyranny will be limitless if Americans do not defeat this vaccine regime with its enforcers subjugated and punished for their crimes against civilization:

Fox News host Tucker Carlson explained during the Monday edition of his titular Fox News program that there will be “no limits” to the globalist technocracy that is to come if the people accept the COVID-19 vaccine regime.

“In a moment of centralized tech surveillance combined with mass social conformity and that’s exactly the country we’re living in right now, there aren’t many limits to where it could go. If they can force you to take a vaccine that you don’t need, what can’t they do?” Carlson asked.

“Why don’t they – I don’t know – make you take psychiatric drugs if you’re persistently disobedient? Express the wrong view, get a thorazine shot. Why couldn’t they do that? What’s the limiting principle on them? In fact, you can imagine a panel of CNN doctors explaining that we would all be a lot safer if the mentally-ill propagandists on the radical right got the treatment they need and stopped spreading their dangerous conspiracy theories, so giving them psychotropic meds is an urgent matter of public health,” he said.

Carlson took his examples further to illustrate the emerging dystopia that is on the horizon under the guise of protecting public health.

“How about if the school therapist convinced your six year old to switch genders and accept chemical castration? At this point, why should you be able to stop that from happening? Why should you have any say at all? You’re not a doctor, you’re just a parent, and you have no power,” he said.

“If you’re no longer in control of your own body – and thanks to the vaccine mandates, we have established that you are not in control of your own body – what gives you the right to control your child’s body? That’s a good question,” Carlson stated, adding that some of the most heinous crimes in U.S. history have come in the name of protecting public health.”

The societal downward spiral that is ongoing is unlike anything that the world has experienced. Those who have succumbed to mass hysteria can be made to believe anything and compelled to commit any atrocity.

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