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Jan 17, 2022

Democrats Refuse to Applaud as Virginia’s Glenn Youngkin Defends Parents’ Rights in Speech

By Richard Moorhead

Democratic delegates of the Virginia General Assembly stiffed Glenn Youngkin when he defended parental rights in his first speech before the legislature, a questionable development following a campaign that saw backlash against the progressive extremist party for the use of critical race theory indoctrination in schools.

My message to parents is this- you have a fundamental right, enshrined by law by this general assembly, to make decisions with regards to your child’s education, upbringing and care, and we will protect and reassert that right.

Republican delegates and guests of the new Governor rose to applaud and cheer the declaration, while the Democrats seated on the right side of the assembly hall remained quietly seated.

Virginia emerged as battleground zero against anti-white critical race theory indoctrination last year, with the Loudoun County school district also implicated in a coverup of a series of sex offenses committed by a cross-dressing and gender-bending student.

Elite progressives have sought to fight back against the movement to rein in far-left school districts and CRT, boldly asserting that it’s the right of leftist teachers and educators to raise the children of America, rather than that of parents.

Youngkin began his administration as Virginia governor by signing into law eleven executive orders, some of which barred the teaching of critical race theory in state schools and abolishing the governor’s Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) department. Youngkin has also repealed state employee vaccine mandates and removed a mask mandate for state schools, potentially presenting a day 1 executive agenda for Republican gubernatorial candidates to offer to their constituents.

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