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Apr 12, 2019

George P. Bush Spokesman Calls for Removal of all Texas Monuments

By John Griffing
In the latest manifestation of Neocon George P. Bush’s thinly-disguised attack on Texas history, campaign spokesperson and consultant Lee Spieckerman advocates tearing down Texas monuments.
Indeed, Texas Republican leaders should strongly endorse enaction of a new law requiring all Confederate monuments and flags be removed from public property and relegated to museums,” Spieckerman wrote on his Facebook wall.
He continued:
“‘Preserving history'” in no way requires aggrandizing its most abominable actors.”
Spiekerman also false conflates the actions of Conservative Response Team and the monument protection legislation they support in the Texas House and Senate with “Confederate statues,” and proceeds to set up a straw man that can easily be torn down — much as the statues without statutory protection like the Alamo Cenotaph are being “relocated” (torn down.)
“Gov. Abbott, Lt. Gov. Patrick, Speaker Bonnen and other key Texas conservatives must call-out CRT and take the lead in dispelling the specious beliefs of misinformed Confederate monument protectors,” the Bush crony writes.
“Conflating the leaders of that evil cause with the giants who founded the United States – the nation the Confederates were bent on crushing – is an assault on sound historic teaching and severely undermines the efforts of those fighting to preserve monuments to our Founding Founders and American war heroes, which are now under assault from the left,” he thunders piously.
So, what would Spiekerman have Texas do in place of legislation like State Rep. Kyle Biedermann’s Cenotaph bill, or State Rep. James White’s Monument Protection bill, because his statements attack legal safeguards but then acknowledges the need  “to preserve monuments to our Founding Founders and American war heroes, which are now under assault from the left.”
Which is it? George P. Bush’s actions at the Alamo provide some context: he just signed a plan that requires the 60-ft. memorial to the 189 or more who died at at the Alamo in 1836 to be “relocated,” i.e. torn down.
Engineering studies done of the massive and immovable statue prove any attempt to move it will destroy it, making Bush’s stated justification that “names that must be added” supersillious at best.

Here is Bush before the Senate Finance Committee in December, 2017, answering questions from State Sen. Joan Huffman about Bush’s clear intent to remove the Cenotaphn; note that, in his responses, he appears unable to clearly say “yes” or “no” that it will be (or will not be removed).



GLO: The City of San Antonio owns the cenotaph and plans to repair and restore the monument … Discussion is ongoing about where the Cenotaph will be located once restoration work is complete. One idea is to relocate the Cenotaph … to the location of one of the funeral pyres … to properly honor the location where the defenders’ bodies were burned.

Here Bush preemptively shifts blame to the San Antonio City Council for any removal or destruction of the treasured Cenotaph, even though he himself signed a plan that proposed its removal.

“It actually sits on city property, so ultimately it will be a city decision,” Bush said recently, when asked about the Cenotaph.

He also doesn’t mention that the Cenotaph relocation idea came from his agency originally — or that both he and the mayor of San Antonio have final veto over the any of the Alamo plan’s features.
Conservative Response Team was attacked ferociously by Spiekerman, but, as happens in Austin, legislation gets watered down, and a bill that purports to “protect” Texas monuments may not end up being so solid after all. At present, the monument protection bill allows “relocation” for “repairs” — Bush’s current rationale for tearing down the 60-ft. Cenotaph.
Without removing the aformentioned exception, the Alamo memorial is as good as gone — whether or not the “South rises again.” And Spiekerman is a big part of Bush’s initial Cenotaph relocation plans — actually helping oversee the Alamo redesign plan to scrap the cherished Texas memorial.
Spieckerman is no advocate for preserving history, or for anything else conservatives stand for, for that matter — voicing his support of keeping ObamaCare on his blogspot.
He’s also on board with public vandalism of South Carolina’s state flag. (See below screenshot featuring his comments applauding public flag desecration.)
Here are some of Spieckerman’s other choice comments on social media endorsing not-so-conservative positions on the removal of history and his treatment of far-left radicalism as mainstream.