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Dec 24, 2021

Historic Teddy Roosevelt Statue Cordoned Off in NYC Ahead of Removal, Transfer to North Dakota

By Richard Moorhead

A memorial to one of the most historic and celebrated Presidents in American history has been crudely sealed off with four curtains, ahead of the monument’s movement to North Dakota. Cultural progressives have arranged for the statue of Teddy Roosevelt in front of the Museum of Natural History to be removed, claiming the depiction of the 26th President of the United States is “racist.”

The Roosevelt statue is being sent to the Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library in North Dakota on a long-term loan. It remains the property of the Museum of Natural History, which could recall the statue for destruction in the name of “racial justice” at any time. The statue will be displayed in the town of Mendora, North Dakota.

The statue features Roosevelt on horseback with a Native American and African man to his sides- intended not as a display of “racism,” but as a commemoration for his love of the American frontier and his expeditions into Central Africa during his life.

The Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Foundation has announced it intends to display the statue in a “contextualized” exhibit, making it likely they’ll display it as an example of Roosevelt’s “racism.” Roosevelt had been honored at the Natural History Museum for his role in furthering the cause of conservation in North America, a contribution likely to be erased as the historical white man is stripped of  association from the museum.

The New York Young Republicans had protested the removal of the statue, refusing to accept a “progressive” ahistorical vision intent on slandering great American historical figures as villains or “racists.” The New York City Council has also removed a statue of Thomas Jefferson from city hall, likening the founding father of the United States as a “slave-owning pedophile” in a development that questions the city’s commitment to the Union itself.

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