Suzzanne Monk, host of Trump Talk US podcast caught up with Big League Politics to explain the current threats to the Electoral College.
“The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (the NPVIC) is the most direct threat our electoral college has ever faced. Launched in 2006, the NPVIC is a state by state coordinated effort to impose a National Popular Vote for President without needing to change the US Constitution. By using Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution, the creators of the NPVIC invoke the rights of the states to determine how their electors in the electoral college are delegated. Each state has the right to distribute their electoral votes how they see fit.
The NPVIC uses this right to pass laws in multiple states across the country that will award all of that state’s delegates to the winner of the national popular vote. However, the plan is even more devious. The NPV interstate compact is written to not take effect until the member states of the compact hold a total of 270 electoral college votes. The creators of the NPVIC have long claimed that the compact was innocuous because it was so unlikely to get this daunting number of votes.
There is a second threat to the Electoral College and that is the pervasive lack of education about the importance of the electoral college in protecting our vote and the integrity of our Republic. Most people just do not understand why the electoral college is so vital to liberty.
The United States is a Republic, not a Democracy. We are 50 individual ‘united states’, each retaining individual state’s rights. Our liberty is dependent upon our Constitution protecting those state’s rights, and the individual rights of the citizens of that state to control their own government.”
In explaining why the Presidential election should be decided via the Electoral College and not the Popular Vote, Monk stated:
“Proponents of the National Popular Vote play on the misinformation and lack of education of many American voters, especially young people. They make the (false) claim that the popular vote method will truly value ‘each individual vote’.
Under their misleading premise, by “making each vote count equally”, political candidates will have to campaign in every state equally to earn those votes. In reality that could not be further from the truth.
The purpose of the electoral college is to prevent the densely populated urban areas, where a majority of the population lives, from picking all of our presidents.
By distributing the electoral votes to the states based on their number of representatives in Congress, each state is given a voice, even a small one, despite having a fraction of the population. Take Wyoming, which has barely 600,000 population, and California which has nearly 40,000,000. That means for every one voter in Wyoming, there are 66 voters in California. In a popular vote system, candidates would be smart to go where the voters are, and at a ratio of 66 to 1, the voters are in California (or other highly populated states.)
The Electoral College allows for all states to have a say in our executive branch whereas the National Popular Vote would give the power of deciding the Executive branch over to the large urban areas of California, New York, Illinois, Florida, Texas and the like. The CITIES would pick the president.
The National Popular Vote, instead of enfranchising all of our votes, would actually disenfranchise the votes of all of the “fly over states” and much of the known Republican base. It is no secret that the Democrats have much more control of the urban areas.
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is nothing more than an attempt to greatly empower the Democrat strongholds while robbing the Red States of their voting power.”
The issue involving the Electoral College versus the Popular Vote has sparked interest after the state of Colorado filed a bill to abolish the historical form of electing the President.
“The latest state to fall prey to the NPVIC scheme is Colorado, which has passed the vote through the reading in their state senate and now goes to the state house. When Colorado joins the compact, the NPVIC will be two/thirds of the way to ruining the Electoral College, having 181 votes and only needing 89 more to irrevocably destroy the protections our founders put in place on our vote. Clearly what was once considered impossible is now looking dangerously likely.
If Colorado’s NPV law passes, the NPVIC will have 181 votes, just 89 short of the 270 needed to initiate the compact. As written, once the member states number 270 electoral votes, the compact will be enacted, and the Electoral College votes of all member states will be allocated to the National Popular Vote winner. This does not eliminate the Electoral College, but rather defeats the purpose of the Electoral College by using the system to destroy itself.
Several other states are considering NPV legislation, and both GOP and Democrat politicians are ignorantly supporting this law. Unless we educate people about the importance of the Electoral College, we will lose this vital component of our Constitutional liberty under the false guise of “fairness”.
Doubters argue that the NPV laws are unconstitutional and so we have “nothing to worry about”. In reality, the NPVIC uses the Constitution in sinister brilliance. By invoking state’s rights, the NPVIC both defeats any Constitutional challenge and any interstate compact restrictions. Because this compact only effects the powers of the state, the restrictions on interstate compacts do not apply. And because the NPVIC uses state’s rights as its basis, it will very likely garner enough SCOTUS votes from both liberal and conservative judges to pass any Constitutional challenge.”
If you are interested in fighting this attempt to demolish the Electoral College in your state, Monk leaves some tips on how to get involved:
“Because the NPVIC targets the Electoral College at the state level, it can only be defeated with state by state action. We must engage our state politicians and demand they either repeal NPV legislation if it has already passed (it has passed in 12 states) or they vote against any NPV bill that may be proposed. The great folks at, patriots like former PA Senate candidate Bobby Lawrence and MAGA activist Cindi McChesney, will be able to help you get involved and get active on states where NPV bills are in danger of passing.”