In what may be a new low for the left, an Illinois-based newspaper has attacked both Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and his 10-year old daughter.
The attack comes in the form of a political cartoon showing a young girl praying at the foot of her bed for her “angry, lying, alcoholic father for sexually sexually assaulting Dr. Ford.” It was published in the Illinois Times by Chris Britt, a cartoonist known for his anti-Trump views.
It can be assumed that the the cartoon on Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony in which he describes his 10-year old daughters prayers the night before, which included Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing her father of sexual assault.
To most, his daughters prayers are seen as a nice gesture from a young girl tied into a tough situation. Any reasonable person would keep her out of the heated political debate, but for this far-left cartoonist, nobody is off limits.
This isn’t the first cartoon Britt has penned in attack of Kavanaugh. In fact, just last month he depicted President Donald Trump groping lady justice as Judge Kavanaugh looked on, praising his “technique.” He has also depicted President Trump and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas picking up Kavanaugh on the “Trash the Women Tour” bus.
These disgusting cartoons all come before any real evidence has been provided that any sexual assault occurred. Currently the accusations coming from Dr. Ford and others have no corroborating witnesses. In the case of Ford, everyone she has cited as witnesses has denied the event.
But to the contrary, there are mountains of evidence that the claims brought by Ford are politically motivated. Most telling is the fact that she reached out the media with her accusation before ever contacting any government official.
Her accusation didn’t get any serious traction until his confirmation was imminent.