Some mainstream media outlets are already dubbing Angel Studios’ Sound of Freedom “an unlikely box office hit,” but the new theatrical release’s pre-sales success should not come as a surprise; Americans are hungry for original content.
Sound of Freedom has already reached $10 million in pre-sale tickets. Which says a lot considering it is a low-budget, faith-based film about child sex trafficking.
The film currently holds an 88% critic score, and a 100% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.
Notably, what catapulted the movie into theaters was Angel Studios’ crowd-funding and crowd-investing model. Obviously people wanted this film starring Actor Jim Caviezel to be made.
Per Deadline:
“Angel crowdfunded $5M for P&A expenses on Sound of Freedom, part of that policy is awarding their donators with 120% return,” Deadline reports. “They executed a similar crowdfunding-marketing plan on His Only Son and I’m told they just cut checks to their donors.”
“It remains to be seen how the grosses play out here; faith-based audiences are big advance ticket buyers, however, this is nonetheless a heartbeat for the non-tentpole sector of the box office.”
As of right now, Sound of Freedom is projected to make $20 million in its opening week.
For comparison sake, the new Indiana Jones movie, another Hollywood reboot that is currently fighting an uphill battle for viewership and box office sales since opening day, even with a budget of more than $300 million (not including marketing), only amassed $130 million opening weekend.
Case and point: movie-goers are fed up with nostalgic franchises being infiltrated by wokeness and failed modern takes. Not only do they want good movies with well thought out storylines, but they also want to go see films with strong messages.
If Hollywood is not shilling off another reboot. They are more than likely pushing original woke films that are equally bombing at the box office.
Disney has been leading the charge when it comes to consumer blowback, amounting to a near total of $900 million in loses over the course of its recent failures including “Lightyear” and “Strange World.”
Sound of Freedom is winning over the American people.
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