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Jun 16, 2022

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel Calls for a ‘Drag Queen at Every School’ to Groom Children

By Shane Trejo

Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel, a self-professed lesbian, said that she wants a “drag queen at every school” while addressing mounting outrage against LGBT grooming in schools.

Nessel apparently believes that doubling down on support for LGBT targeting of children with sexual propaganda through public education is the recipe for victory in November.

Nessel said during a Michigan Department of Civil Rights on Wednesday that “drag queens make everything better,” adding that “drag queens are fun.”

“And you know what I’ll say that was totally not poll tested, I’d say this, ‘A drag queen for every school,” she said, claiming that drag queens grooming children in schools is one of the “fake issues” used by Republicans to gin up false outrage.

Republican leaders in the state, including Trump-endorsed attorney general candidate Matt Deperno, noted that Nessel’s comments show her lack of concern with the innocence of the youth.

“Dana Nessel continues to show just how completely out of touch she is with Michiganders,” he said.

Despite Nessel’s dismissive attitude, there is evidence that LGBT indoctrination of children in schools is causing their mental health to deteriorate and become more prone to suicidal tendencies.

Big League Politics has reported on LGBT youth seriously considering suicide despite widespread acceptance in Western culture:

The LGBT poison is taking its toll on abused children as confused and brainwashed kids are considering suicide after being indoctrinated into that demonic lifestyle.

The Trevor Project, a LGBT advocacy organization, found that more LGBT youth are considering suicide than any time over the past three years. They found that 45 percent of LGBT youth have considered suicide over the past year, even as societal LGBT acceptance is at an all-time high.

The trend over the past three years has risen, according to the poll findings. 40 percent of LGBT youth seriously considered suicide in 2020, and that figure rose to 42 percent in 2021. It rose three points in the past year.

Shockingly, 58 percent of transgender boys and men reported that they seriously considered suicide in the past year. 53 percent of nonbinary young people considered the same, and 48 percent of transgender girls and women seriously considered suicide. Keep in mind, this is occurring as children are being drugged who are told by satanic authority figures to question their gender identity.

The results of the survey can be found here.

Nessel’s comments show how LGBT radicalism can transform government in the most depraved and perverted of ways. She has been disgraceful in her role where she gleefully makes a mockery of the rule of law.