Former defense secretary James Mattis is taking aim at his former boss President Donald Trump’s “America First” foreign policy, urging for the U.S. to keep its entire intact and keep sending troops to die in foreign wastelands.
He wrote an op/ed last week in Foreign Affairs saying how the U.S. needs to be more accommodating to China in particular.
“Crucially, the United States should not press countries to choose outright between the two powers. A ‘with us or against us’ approach plays to China’s advantage, because the economic prosperity of U.S. allies and partners hinges on strong trade and investment relationships with Beijing. Rather than treating countries as pawns in a great-power competition, a better approach would emphasize common codes of behavior and encourage states to publicly promulgate a vision for their country’s sovereign future and the types of partnerships they need to pursue it,” Mattis opined.
“It would also expand the cooperative space in which all countries supporting a rules-based order can work together to advance shared interests. Cooperation across different ideological systems is difficult but necessary, and there should be opportunities to cooperate with China in areas of overlapping interests, such as pandemic response, climate change and nuclear security,” he added.
Considering his words, it should come as no surprise that Mattis is getting lobbyist payola from a firm that brokers business deals with China. Mattis holds a senior post at the Cohen Group, a globalist organization that is dedicated to selling America out to China.
The Cohen group was founded by former Defense Secretary William Cohen and is staffed by former defense industry bureaucrats who are cashing out on the blood of American troops. They have two of their four overseas offices in China.
“China is a market of enormous opportunity and complexity,” the firm claims. “The Cohen Group’s (TCG) China Practice has a solid record of success with professionals in offices in Beijing, Tianjin and Washington, D.C.”
“Building upon decades of experience, on-the-ground management expertise, and longtime personal and professional relationships throughout the region, TCG’s China Practice helps companies succeed in the Chinese market. TCG enables Fortune 500 companies, as well as small- and medium-sized enterprises, to achieve their commercial goals in China through tailored government, business and media relations strategies,” TCG added.
Big League Politics has reported on Mattis’ history of many betrayals, including his support of transgender military personnel to satiate the perverted predators of the LGBT community:
President Donald Trump has resurrected an idea pitched early in his presidency. He is planning to remove individuals from the military who do not want to be recognized by their birth gender, a move that was previously obstructed by former Defense Secretary James Mattis, within the next 30 days…
Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist signed a memo on Tuesday that formalized the measure after a Supreme Court ruling on Jan. 22 rendered leftist objections to policy change null and void.
Under the new directive, individuals must serve in the military under their birth gender, and individuals would be banned from transitioning to their preferred gender while serving.
While Trump opponents want the public to think that all transgender people are banned from service, that’s not true. Individuals wanting to serve just have to adhere to the new policy.
Up to 13,000 transgender troops could be discharged from military service if they do not wish to serve as their genitalia warrants, according to estimates from pro-LGBT publication The Advocate.
The advocates for equality are already voicing their objections to this news, as they seem to believe their emotions supersede what is best for US national security.
“The military is the largest employer in the nation and, as the USTS found, transgender people are twice as likely to have served in the Armed Forces as the general population,” said Gillian Branstetter, who works as media relations manager at the National Center for Transgender Equality.
“The President’s revival of his bigoted, disgusting ban on transgender service members is a stunning attack on the patriots who keep us safe and on the most fundamental ideals of our nation,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said in a press release. His “years-long insistence on his cowardly ban makes clear that prejudice, not patriotism, guides his decisions. If implemented, this hateful policy would undermine our military readiness and betray our core American values.”
However, the whining isn’t likely to change much now that former Defense Secretary James Mattis, who Trump described as a ‘Democrat,’ is out of the Trump administration. He was previously the biggest cheerleader for transgenders to remain in the military, as the ‘Mad Dog’ frequently yipped about Trump’s proposed ban.
Mattis is a functionary of the military-industrial complex, which may be the most despicable aspect of the Washington D.C. swamp.