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Oct 30, 2020

New Emails Show Hunter Biden and Associates Floated ‘Formal Meetings With Dad’ to Woo Business Partners

By Shane Trejo

New Hunter Biden emails obtained by The National Pulse have shown that the dope-and-hooker-loving rapscallion used the possibility of “formal meetings with dad” to help secure billion-dollar deals.

A June 2011 email thread titled “Engagement” showed Biden business associate Sean Conlon making a remark that seemed to indicate how Hunter worked intimately with the Obama/Biden White House. Conlon wrote: “we need to get these guys to an event or something where they get to just formally meet your Dad. For follow on they can talk to Chief of Staff.”

The full text of Conlon’s email reads as follows:

So we have engagement letter if they get other 10 bonds they have a face value of 10b. While it is far fetched Devon said he talked to his professor and these get traded. We get 10% in fees. We need to get these guys to an event or something where they get to just formally meet your Dad. For follow on they can talk to Chief of Staff. Let me know how soon we can do that. V brief. If Nagi get that done we get more bonds to move. Regards your hard working partner in Positano! Sean

Conlon issued this as a response to the following email from Hunter Biden: “what do we need to do moving forward.” According to other emails, each bond referenced by Conlon is worth over $2.1 billion.

Hunter Biden’s confidant and frequent business partner Devon Archer would later respond that he was “in” on the “interesting” plan even though he found it “difficult to imagine working out.”

It has yet to be determined whether anything concrete emerged from these talks, but it shows how Joe Biden was at the center of Hunter’s business dealings.

Big League Politics has reported on the testimony of whistleblower Tony Bobulinski, a former Biden associate who is now publicly airing the dirty laundry of his former acquaintances:

A former Naval officer and Hunter Biden business associate revealed shocking claims about Joe Biden’s involvement with Biden family Chinese business dealings in a press conference before Thursday’s presidential debate…

Watch the full Bobulinski press conference here.

The Navy veteran recounted speaking with Hunter Biden about extensive Chinese business dealings during his meetings with the Vice President’s son…

Bobulinski ultimately claims to have agreed with Hunter Biden to become a CEO of a company that would be called “Sinohawk.” The entity was allegedly being arranged by Hunter and James Biden, the former Vice President’s brother.

Big League Politics will continue reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop-from-hell leaks as they emerge.