Two Americas
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Oct 18, 2021

New York City to Remove State of ‘Slave-Owning Pedophile’ Thomas Jefferson From City Hall

By Richard Moorhead

The New York City Public Design Commission voted unanimously on Monday to remove a statue of American President and founding father Thomas Jefferson from city hall, assailing the revolutionary leader and author of the constitution as a white supremacist and racist.

We acknowledge that the piece needs to be removed from the City Council chamber,” said commission president Signe Nielsen.

Assemblyman Charles Barron of Brooklyn called for the historic statue-provided to New York City in 1834 by a Jew who admired Jefferson’s belief in religious freedom- to be destroyed or placed in a “trash heap.” Barron likened Jefferson to a “slave-owning pedophile,” alluding to claims that Jefferson had relations with a slave that began when Sally Hemings was 14.

Jefferson had owned many slaves during his lifetime, even though he had referred to the institution of slavery as a “moral depravity” and a “hideous blot.” Jefferson also proposed and enacted several abolitionist policies throughout his lifetime, such as banning slavery in new territories of the United States criminalizing the importation of slaves from Africa during his presidency.

Militant leftists and anti-white ideologues have increasingly pivoted from targeting nominally ‘Confederate’ statues to imagery of the United States’ most significant historical figures. Portland ANTIFA forces destroyed statues of Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln over the summer of 2020’s race riots, showing a new willingness to attack monuments to men who in actuality opposed slavery.

New York’s Public Design Commission claims it will find a new place to display the statue before the end of 2021, with some members of the Commission suggesting they intend to either destroy or essentially ‘jail’ the statue in an unauthorized location where American patriots and Jefferson admirers can’t pay respects to the Virginian.

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