The New York Times retracted a story claiming Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died as a a result of being struck by a fire extinguisher during the January 6th Capitol riot on Sunday.
“Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.”
The New York Times had originally claimed Sicknick suffered brain injuries. Evidence has since emerged revealing that Sicknick collapsed at a USCP facility following the riot’s conclusion, having texted his brother that he was alright after the event. FBI investigators are reportedly struggling to build a homicide case in Sicknick’s death, with charges yet to be filed more than a month after the event.
A formal autopsy report is yet to be released in regards to Sicknick’s death, a highly unusual situation, especially with the event colored with controversy. The New York Times spread the idea that the New Jersey Air National Guard veteran and longtime Capitol officer died as a result of injuries inflicted by a rioter. This now appears highly unlikely.
It’s difficult to speculate as to how Sicknick died, but in the absence of a homicide, it appears probable he died as a result of a medical condition following the event.
Marc Santora, Megan Specia and Mike Baker were listed as the authors of the report indicating Sicknick had been murdered.
The New York Times at the time had claimed that its reporter was made aware of the Sicknick’s cause of death by a “source familiar with the Capitol police.” It appears likely that the NYT’s source had no direct line of communication with the agency, and was instead a a Democrat member of Congress or staffer, or even a Washington DC district official.
This kind of fake news is as egregious as it gets. The New York Times falsely cited a bogus source who indicated a homicide had happened when they had no grounds to make such a conclusion. As a result, Officer Sicknick’s family was potentially misled as to the nature of his death. Unfortunately, with the events of the raucous protest and riot on January 6th fading into the rearview mirror, the New York Times will once again escape scrutiny from the mainstream media for its lies.
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