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Dec 7, 2023

POLL: 40% of Democrat Voters Support Canceling George Washington

By Jose Nino

According to a recently published poll by Rasmussen, 82% of likely United States voters hold a favorable view of George Washington, which includes 49% who hold a very favorable view of the American Revolutionary War hero. 

Only 7% of voters have a negative opinion of Washington, while 10% are unsure. 

27% of US voters are in favor of taking down public monuments of  Washington, which includes 11% who strongly approve. That said, 66% disapprove of taking down monuments to Washington, which includes  48% who strongly disapprove.

64% of Republican voters and 51% of independent voters are strongly against removing public monuments to Washington. 40% of Democrat voters are in favor of approving the removal of monuments to Washington, which includes 21% who strongly approve.

75% of Republican voters, 25% of Democrat voters, and 60% of independent voters believe President Joe Biden is a worse president than Washington. 39% of Democrat voters believe Biden is better than Washington, but only12% of Republican voters and 11% of independent voters are in agreement

89% of Republican voters, 77% of Democrats voters, and 81% of independent  voters view Washington favorably. Among voters who hold a very positive view of Washington, 80% disapprove of taking down monuments to the US’s first president.
As far as racial groups are concerned, 84% of white voters, 77% of black voters and 78% of other non-black minorities hold at least a somewhat favorable view of Washington. 47% of black voters, 22% of white voters, and 28% of non-black minority voters approve taking down public monuments to Washington.

When it comes to income earners, those making over $200,000 annually are most likely to indicate that Biden is a better president than Washington and are more likely to support the removal of Washington monuments. 

The modern-day Democratic Party is the anti-white party that works to destroy all artifacts of the Historic American Nation. Sadly, there are many Republicans who buy into these anti-white narratives. 

At this point, it’s up to America First nationalists to stand up to the anti-white managerial regime and ensure that both parties are purged of their globalist elements.