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Jul 9, 2019

Ralph “Blackface” Northam’s Gun Control Special Session Goes Down in Flames Thanks to Gun Rights Activists

By Jose Nino

Virginia Senate Republicans voted to quickly end the special session of the Virginia General Assembly on gun violence.

Governor Ralph Northam, who Big League Politics exposed for posing in blackface or a KKK hood, called a special session in the wake of the Virginia Beach municipal center shooting to push forward certain gun control policies such accessory bans, universal gun registration, and red flag gun confiscation orders.

The session, however, came to an abrupt halt on July 9, when Senate Republicans pulled the plug on the session on gun violence before any debate or votes were casted on gun control bills.

No compromise groups like the American Firearms Coalition were present during the Special Session to warn gun owners about the slew of gun control bills being put forward, from magazine bans to statewide gun registries, that were about to be on the menu.

However, AFC warned about Republicans trying to pull tricks on pro-gun voters during this session.

To claim a “middle ground” of compromise, many Republicans have decided to stiffen penalties for gun laws already on the books, in hopes of appearing to be as anti-gun as their Democrat opponents when the elections comes this fall.

They declared that “Gun owners are DONE with compromise as a tactic!”

Despite the ear-piercing calls for gun control, the Virginia Beach massacre was carried out by a madman who passed the same background check that millions of Americans have to go through. Even while going through the gun control hoops and ignoring Virginia Beach gun control laws, the gunman committed this atrocity.

Nevertheless, gun owners in Virginia can rest easy for the time being.

Governor Northam expressed his disappointment with Republicans in the General Assembly in a statement on Twitter:

It is shameful and disappointing that Republicans in the General Assembly refuse to do their jobs, and take immediate action to save lives. I expected better of them. Virginians expect better of them.

On the other hand, Chris Dorr, President of the American Firearms Coalition, declared that this was a “disaster averted.”

Dorr added, “On a day when Governor Northam and leading Republican lawmakers were united in their support for at least some version of gun-control, it was gun owners across the state who delivered big.”

The no compromise gun leader concluded, “Our members really rocked it here in Richmond today, but we have more work to do.”

Gun owners in Virginia can breathe a sigh of relief for now.

WATCH VIDEO of Chris Dorr of AFC being accosted by leftist protestors below: