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Oct 3, 2022

Rep. Paul Gosar Introduces Bill Allowing States to Deport Illegal Immigrants Out of the Country

By Shane Trejo

Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) is introducing a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives called the “Empowering States to Deport Illegal Immigrants Act,” which will allow states to remove foreign invaders from the country without relying on the federal government.

“States may authorize State or local law enforcement officers to enforce provisions of Federal immigration law that prohibit the unlawful entry into the United States,” the bill draft reads.

The bill draft also states that “state prosecutors are authorized to initiate prosecutions for violations of Federal immigration law…in a United States District Court that has jurisdiction over…the place at which any such violation occurred; or the place at which the person charged for any such violation is apprehended.”

The full legislation can be seen here:

Big League Politics has reported extensively on Gosar’s immigration patriotism in Congress:

One of the low points of the Biden regime has been its derelict policies at the southern border.

For example, the Federation for American Immigration Reform reported that there were 239,416 encounters in the month may. So far, during Joe Biden’s time in office, there have been north of 2.9 million migrant encounters at the southern border.