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May 7, 2022

Rumble is Targeted by Hackers to Prevent Showing of ‘2000 Mules’

By Shane Trejo

The alt video platform Rumble is under attack from hackers in order to prevent the broadcast of key proofs of election fraud.

Rumble is set to debut “2000 Mules,” the Dinesh D’Souza documentary that shows the coordinated ballot harvesting operation that happened throughout the country in which mystery ballots were deposited at the dead of night by operatives.

“Within the last 24 hours Rumble has been under an unprecedented attack,” Rumble announced.

“Our engineers are working around the clock to mitigate these attacks and prepare for a smooth rollout of our first movie launch “2000 Mules” tomorrow,” he added. “We will provide updates here as the situation evolves.”

Rumble’s announcement can be seen here:

Big League Politics has reported on “2000 Mules” being the most convincing documentary released about election fraud to date:

A discussion on Wednesday is setting the stage for a national debate that’s been long overdue regarding the 2020 presidential election. The interview, which included Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoff; 100 Percent Fed Up’s Patty McMurray; and two members of the investigation team for the upcoming Dinesh D’Souza documentary “2000 Mules,” Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht. The group talked about the highly anticipated documentary, blatant irregularities during the 2020 presidential election and some amazing footage of extremely shady activity activity by what appear to be ballot stuffers participating in a coordinated strike against the American system of government..

The clips shown during the interview are shocking additions to the already voluminous evidence of the many coordinated attacks against then-President Donald Trump in 2020. 

Englebrecht, founder and president of True the Vote, spoke about the origins of the film, explaining that, “We started our investigation, really, it started when we opened up our election integrity hotline,” relating that the calls they were taking from concerned citizens had a noticeable pattern, giving them clues of what they’d need to zero in on in order to uncover what was happening.

She went on to talk about trying to strategize about how her and her team would be able to get the information out to the American public and her frustrations with government officials not taking action on the evidence they’d gathered. She recalled thinking of the historical significance of the circumstances surrounding the 2020 contest, saying to herself that the “election was rigged and stolen” and wondering how they would sound the alarm.”

The guilty parties desperately want to suppress the proofs of election fraud from being disseminated. Unfortunately for them, too many Americans are awake and know exactly what happened in Nov. 2020, and far more will know as “2000 Mules” sweeps the nation.