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Mar 11, 2022

Soros-Funded Chicago Prosecutor Kim Foxx Complains about Jussie Smollett’s Jail Time

By Shane Trejo

Cook County, Illinois state attorney Kim Foxx complained after hate crime hoaxster Jussie Smollett received a guilty verdict for his despicable actions to frame Trump supporters as racist terrorists.

Foxx penned a column for the Chicago Sun-Times after Smollett was sentenced to five months in jail for his reprehensible behavior.

“Just because we do not like the outcome should not mean we bully prosecutors and circumvent the judicial process to get it changed. Smollett was indicted, tried and convicted by a kangaroo prosecution in a matter of months,” the extremely low IQ Soros pawn wrote in the op/ed.

“Meanwhile, the families of more than 50 Black women murdered in Chicago over the last 20 years await justice,” she added.

After Smollett was caught faking the hate crime, Foxx abused her authority in an attempt to shield him from justice but ultimately failed.

Big League Politics has reported on Foxx attempting to absolve Smollett of charges in the aftermath of his attempted blood libel against Trump supporters:

A special prosecutor has determined that Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx committed no criminal acts while dropping charges for B-level actor and hate hoax artist Jussie Smollett.

Special prosecutor Dan Webb criticized Foxx and her office for how they handled the case, but ultimately said that no criminal wrongdoing was committed.

Webb said that his investigation “did not develop evidence that would support any criminal charges against State’s Attorney Foxx or any individual working at (her office).” However, it “did develop evidence that establishes substantial abuses of discretion and operational failures” in handling the case. Foxx, of course, will never be held accountable for her errors.

Foxx was even rewarded by voters after her handling of the Smollett case. She won the Democrat primary earlier this year. She is the first black woman to ever hold Chicago’s top law enforcement job. This woman is a shining example of the type of leadership that diversity and multiculturalism bring to government.

After her primary victory, Foxx thanked “everyone who rallied and made it bigger than one thing, one issue, who rejected the notion that we would talk about one singular case and not what matted to the people of Cook County.”

“Tonight, the voters have once again spoken and are calling us to continue our mandate of criminal justice reform. They are calling us to continue to make Cook County, a model for this country,” she added. “

Foxx’s behavior is a great example of multiculturalism in action. She is living, walking, breathing proof that diversity is not a strength.