The World
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Mar 16, 2022

South Korea Reports 400,000 New COVID Cases IN ONE DAY Despite Overwhelming Vaccine Compliance

By Shane Trejo

South Korea reported 400,741 cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, shattering previous records, despite the country having one of the highest vaccination compliance rates in the world.

Senior health official Sohn Young-rae believes that the case spike is the “last biggest challenge” for the country before herd immunity is achieved and the country can go back to normal.

“If we overcome this crisis we will step closer to returning to normalcy,” he said.

South Korea has been forced to abandon certain COVID-19 restrictions as they have done nothing to reduce case loads, which has resulted in the public souring on the policies. The nation still has an 11pm curfew for businesses in place and a limit of six person gatherings in private areas at the present time.

South Korea is among the countries with the highest vaccination compliance numbers throughout the world. Our World in Data reports that 85.8 percent of their population is fully vaccinated. Their submission to the vaccine regime has not prevented their population from being stricken with the China virus.

Big League Politics has reported on other countries with populations who have submitted to the jab shattering records for case totals as the vaccine regime fails abysmally:

The state of Israel recently shattered their record for COVID-19 case totals while being among the world leaders in vaccine compliance among their population.

Israel registered an incredible 11,000 cases that were reported on Monday. As of right now, there are only 719 serious cases that have been registered in Israel, but that number is expected to majorly rise in the upcoming weeks.

“I expect that morbidity will rise further, but I hope it will not be a new outbreak,” Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash said to Channel 12.

As a result of the vaccine failure, there will be more punishing restrictions against those who have yet to submit to the ineffective jab. Under the incredibly Orwellian “Coronavirus Traffic Light System,” physical classes for schoolchildren in grades 7 through 12 will be cancelled until an over 70 percent compliance rate with the vaccine is reached…

The vaccine regime is clearly backfiring, but no government leaders want to blame Big Pharma for his public health disaster. It will only get worse with hundreds of millions of people enraptured by the mass hysteria propaganda.”

The vaccine regime is nothing short of criminal, and Big Pharma and their bought-off toadies need to be put behind bars for what they have inflicted upon the world.