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Mar 28, 2020

Trump Administration Posits That Transgender ‘Girls’ are Male, Triggering LGBT Advocates

By Shane Trejo

The Trump administration, led by Attorney General William Barr, is pushing back against LGBT insanity that is causing young girls to lose scholarship opportunities by competing against biological males in school sporting events.

The Department of Justice issued a legal document on Tuesday in Hartford, Conn. The document pertains to a case filed by the pro-Christian legal organization Alliance Defending Freedom, who are representing high school girls on the receiving end of alleged discrimination by school officials allowing birth men to participate in their sporting events.

The feds allege that the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) is violating Title IX in how the agency interprets gender identity.

“Under CIAC’s interpretation of Title IX, however, schools may not account for the real physiological differences between men and women. Instead, schools must have certain biological males — namely, those who publicly identify as female — compete against biological females,” Barr and his team wrote about the case.

“In so doing, CIAC deprives those women of the single-sex athletic competitions that are one of the marquee accomplishments of Title IX,” they added.

High school seniors Selina Soule of Glastonbury, Conn., and Chelsea Mitchell of Canton, Conn. filed the lawsuit along with co-plaintiff Alanna Smith, a sophomore at Danbury High School, last year in order to push back against transgender insanity.

“What Plaintiffs alleged — and what is true — is that due to physiological differences, female athletes cannot beat ‘comparably talented and trained’ males,” ADF attorney Christiana Holcomb said about the case.

Far-left special interest groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) are up in arms about the Trump administration’s embrace of common sense and rejection of LGBT dogma. ACLU attorney Chase Strangio made a strange allusion to coronavirus while whining about the administration’s behavior in a Twitter post.

“This is what the Attorney General is prioritizing while 12 people died last night from COVID-19 related complications at the hospital near my house. When we let the gov’t police our bodies like this, they will always leave “undesirable” bodies to die,” Strangio worte.

Strangio is representing the boys who claim they are girls and is adamant about their “right” to deprive biological women of their ability to receive scholarships opportunities in sports.

“Our clients are two high school seniors who are just trying to enjoy their final track season of high school and who now have to contend with the federal government arguing against their right to equal educational opportunities,” Strangio said to the AP.

“History will look back on these anti-trans attacks with deep regret and shame. In the meantime we will continue to fight for the rights of all girls to participate in the sports they love,” he added.

Big League Politics will continue to cover this case as it makes its way through the courts as well as other perverse and abusive actions related to the satanic LGBT agenda.