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Dec 2, 2021

Trump-Endorsed U.S. Rep Candidate Steve Carra Announces Plan to Arm Teachers After Michigan School Shooting

By Shane Trejo

Michigan state representative Steve Carra (R-Three Rivers) has announced a plan to arm teachers after a school shooting in the city of Oxford resulted in four dead children on Tuesday.

“Today, I have announced a plan to allow faculty and staff to protect students and others from imminent and malicious harm by storing lawfully owned firearms or tasers in a secure lockbox on the premises,” Carra wrote in a Facebook post announcing his proposal.

“As usual, the victims’ bodies were still warm when the Democrats revived their expected and monotonous talking points in favor of gun-control legislation. Let me be clear, further restrictions on our Second Amendment liberties would not have stopped the Oxford shooter. Under Michigan law, schools are already deemed gun-free zones, and the perpetrator violated this law. Criminals, by definition, break the rules, and it is naive to assume that more restrictive prohibitions will transform rogue individuals into good citizens,” he continued.

“Situation ssuch as Oxford and the shooting in Parkland, Florida have demonstrated that our schools and other similar sites are vulnerable to attack. Rather than criticizing assaults on what are essentially soft targets, we need to reinforce these facilities. School and state authorities must be properly prepared if, God forbid, another violent attacker targets students at a school. Teachers and staff care for their students’ safety, and some of these professionals are willing to use their guns or tasers if a tragic need for school defense arises,” Carra added. “I am putting together this plan to defend our children in the event of an emergency that we pray never happens again. We need to be more ready, not less ready, to respond to malicious threats to our children. Additional details will be announced when the legislation is formally introduced.”

Big League Politics has reported on how Carra, who has received an endorsement from President Trump for his efforts to unseat RINO Congressman Fred Upton, is leading the effort for a forensic audit in the fraud-riddled state of Michigan:

State representative Steve Carra (R-Three Rivers), a RINO hunter who is challenging pro-impeachment Rep. Fred Upton for U.S. Congress, has introduced legislation demanding a full forensic audit of ballots in the state of Michigan…

The legislation, House Bill 5091, would create the bipartisan commission consisting of the seven following individuals:

(a) One member appointed by the majority leader of the senate, after consulting with the members of his or her caucus. 

(b) One member appointed by the minority leader of the senate, after consulting with the members of his or her caucus. 

(c) One member appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, after consulting with the members of his or her caucus. 

(d) One member appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives, after consulting with the members of his or her caucus. 

(e) The auditor general, or his or her authorized designee. 

(f) One member who was a poll challenger at the 2020 general November election and who is randomly selected and appointed by the major political party whose candidate for secretary of state received the highest number of votes at the immediately preceding general November election at which the secretary of state was elected. 

(g) One member who was a poll challenger at the 2020 general November election and who is randomly selected and appointed by the major political party whose candidate for secretary of state received the second highest number of votes at the immediately preceding general November election at which the secretary of state was elected.”

Carra’s effort might save children from future attacks. Teachers and school personnel must be encouraged to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights to stop shooters as civilization falls.

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