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Feb 25, 2022

Whites Need Not Apply: Professor ‘Gives Non-Whites Priority’ To Speak in Class

By Darian Douraghy

A professor at Binghamton University, also dubbed SUNY Binghamton, drew controversy for her explicitly stated class policy that white students will receive the lowest priority by default when they attempt to participate in class discussions.

SUNY Binghamton’s Ana Maria Candela, a sociology professor, wrote in her syllabus “if you are white, male, or someone privileged by the racial and gender structures of our society to have your voice easily voiced and heard, we will often ask you to hold off on your questions or comments to give others priority and will come back to you a bit later or at another time.”

Student Sean Harrigan shined a light on the policy after he filed a Title IX discrimination complaint against the racist professor.

“How am I supposed to get a full participation grade if I’m not called on because of the way I was born?” Harrigan, an economics major, said Monday.

Officials at SUNY Binghamton rushed to address the situation, although it is not yet known if the professor has faced any kind of discipline; Harrington told The New York Post that Binghamton officials scrambled to revise the syllabus and later insisted it was not acceptable in its previous form.

“The faculty member has updated their syllabus, removing the section in question, and is now in compliance with the Faculty Staff Handbook,” the school stated.

Dubbed “progressive stacking,” Candela justified the racist and discriminatory policy by writing in her syllabus that it “give[s] priority to non-white folks, to women, and to shy and quiet people who rarely raise their hands.”

“Those who feel most privileged to speak begin to take the initiative to hold space for others who feel less comfortable speaking first, while those who tend to be more silenced in our society grow more comfortable speaking,” asserted the SUNY Binghamton professor.

Harrigan also said that Candela hates free market transactions, routinely equating capitalism with slavery during lectures.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “The sociology department scares me.”

In other news surrounding American education, a Texas schoolteacher drew controversy this week after her compassionate statement that conservative Christians who she believes are helping prolong the Chinese coronavirus pandemic “need to get COVID and die.”

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