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Mar 13, 2019

Woman Admits to Slashing Tire Because She Saw ‘Make America Great Again’ Hat in Car

By Tom Pappert

An Arizona woman confessed to slashing the tires of a man’s vehicle because she was upset after seeing a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat inside.

Nick Dugas told AZ Central says he was frustrated to see his vehicle had a flat tire, and that he grew more upset when he examined the tire to find a clean three inch cut that revealed his tire was not merely flat, but had been slashed.

His job as a security guard at the shopping center allowed him to immediately review video of the vandalism, which showed the attacker carrying a distinctive coffee cup from a nearby business. After inquiring at that business, he was able to give the woman’s description, name, and information to police.

AZ Central reported:

The driver was 18. She admitted to police that she cut the tire. “She later told police that it was because she saw a hat with a political message inside the vehicle which she disagreed with,” spokesman Sgt. Vincent Lewis said in an email.

She was cited for criminal damage, a Class 2 misdemeanor, punishable by up to four months in jail and a $750 fine.

Lewis did not release the woman’s name, because she was not booked, he said. I looked up the record online for the case I believe is hers. The woman is scheduled to appear in court later this month. I contacted her for more on her side of the story. I hadn’t heard back from her as of Tuesday night.

Dugas used the opportunity to impart a valuable lesson onto his 15-year-old son, telling him not to “ever let anybody change who you are, or what you believe in,” and to “Stand strong.”

Anti-Trump crimes appear to be on the rise in the country, after an illegal immigrant was detained by ICE after she attacked a man for wearing a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat, and another man pulled a gun on a supporter of President Donald J. Trump for wearing a MAGA hat, telling him it is a “good day for you to die.”