‘Conservative’ Bill Kristol Donated to Pro-Infanticide Ralph Northam

Democrat Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam had a rough Wednesday, during which he endorsed infanticide and subsequently faced massive backlash from conservatives nationwide.

“So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam said in a radio interview.

He was discussing a bill proposed on the Virginia House floor that would have allowed third trimester abortions.

One alleged conservative who has not scorned Northam for his heinous comments is #NeverTrump stalwart Bill Kristol, who is so blinded by his hatred of President Donald J. Trump that he has relinquished what was left of his brand of conservatism in favor of seeking approval from Democrats.

Then again, Kristol donated to Northam’s campaign, so his silence makes sense.

This, according to The New Yorker:

When Trump offered only equivocations after the white-supremacist demonstrations in Charlottesville, last August, Kristol had assumed that the same Republican leaders who had spent months telling him in private that they could not stand Trump would finally break with the President. When they did not, Kristol and his wife, Susan Scheinberg, a classics scholar, were so infuriated that they sent a two-hundred-dollar donation to the campaign of the Democrat Ralph Northam, who was running for governor of Virginia against the Republican Ed Gillespie, whom Kristol considered something of a friend.

Kristol so longs to be accepted by Democrats that he sold out the most innocent among us – infants – in order to virtue signal about Trump’s response to Charlottesville, which was not definitive enough for Kristol – or something.

That, of course, is what Conservative Inc., which failed to conserve anything in its 40 years of public influence, is about. Seeking acceptance from the political left while they slowly erode conservative values. In this case, Kristol allowed pro-life values to be squashed while he pandered to the left.

Sure, the Democrat that Kristol donated to endorsed infanticide. Just be sure not to call Kristol a racist.

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