DOUBLE STANDARD: Rod Rosenstein Submitted False Forms About His Work For Ken Starr

As the mainstream media circles the wagons to try to find something in Brett Kavanaugh’s work for Kenneth Starr that could be used against him — including reports that he was Starr’s “designated leaker” on the team prosecuting Clinton and that he might have broken DOJ rules — Rod Rosenstein’s own misconduct stemming from the Starr investigation goes ignored by the mainstream.

Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general who is probably on his way out,

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gave a resume to the Senate Judiciary Committee for his confirmation to be Deputy Attorney General. In that resume, provided under oath, he falsely stated the dates at which he worked for Ken Starr’s investigative legal team.

Rosenstein testified to the Senate that he worked on Starr’s team beginning in 1995 and ending in 1997. Rosenstein said that he began working at the U.S. Attorney’s office in Maryland for the Clinton administration in the year 1997. However, records show that Rosenstein interviewed Hillary Clinton for Ken Starr in the Whitewater case on January 14, 1998.

Rosenstein’s official interview with Hillary Clinton lasted fifteen minutes and cleared her of charges stemming from the seizing of FBI documents on the former Clinton White House travel director.

Big problem: That official interview took place outside of the time period in which Rosenstein told the Senate he worked for Kenneth Starr’s team.

An Associated Press wire report on January 14, 1998 lists Rod Rosenstein as one of two “Whitewater prosecutors” present at Hillary Clinton’s interview on the FBI Travel Office scandal. Rosenstein was in charge of the “FBI Travel Office case,” in which it was alleged that the Bill Clinton White House seized FBI file documents on “former White House employees.” Rosenstein swept the matter under the rug, according to insiders, and then obscured any record of it on his Senate questionnaire to be Deputy Attorney General.

Here’s Rosenstein’s official resume that he gave to the Senate for his confirmation. Notice how he lists his term in Ken Starr’s office as lasting from 1995 to 1997, and how he began his new job in the Clinton administration U.S. Attorney’s office in Maryland in 1997:

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