Environmentalists Gone Wild: Climate Activists Plug Up Holes Around Spain Golf Courses To Protest Water Usage

Climate change activists are a creative bunch – we have to give them that.

They are always coming up with newfound ways to obstruct and block events to promote their message. 

And they almost always do a fantastic job of damaging private property in the process.

In today’s latest installment of environmentalists gone wild, activists targeted several golf courses in Spain “plugging up holes.”

From CNN:

Climate activists have targeted 10 golf courses around Spain, plugging up holes to protest the amount of water used to maintain these courses as the country is gripped by a severe drought.

Members of Extinction Rebellion (XR) Spain, along with activists from other climate groups, accessed golf courses in locations in six provinces, including Madrid, Valencia, Ibiza and Navarra. Some groups used cement to fill the holes, others planted seedlings. Protesters also unfurled signs with phrases such as: “Alert: Drought! Golf closed for climate justice” and “water is a common good.”

With stunts like this, climate change activists are surely getting the attention they want, but their cause is not being taken any more seriously than it was with cheap antics involving property damage, baseless shaming, rude belittling, or all the above.

Instead, all these activities are just making the public angry with their constant whining and moaning and calls to absurd – albeit nearly impossible to implement – actions. 

For example, here is one activist berating a man – in a Tesla of all vehicles, too – for “sitting in the car with the engine running, polluting the atmosphere.”


Earlier this month, climate activists disrupted a London Pride parade. Then somehow equated climate change as something that affects “marginalized” groups like gays, lesbians, and trans people the most.

Related Story: Climate Change Cultists Perform Bizarre Public Rituals to Commemorate Earth Day

In a new sweeping trend, climate activists have been throwing food onto prized and historic art pieces to draw attention to their cause.

In Germany late last year, a group of paid protestors threw mashed potatoes on Claude Monet’s “Haystacks,” which last sold for $110 million.

Climate activists have shown time and time again that no one is safe from their obstructions. 

Even though their message is still muddled with no clear plans of action in place, these on-going protests will continue to poke their ugly little heads into all realms of society.

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