POLL: Catholics Prefer Donald Trump For President

Catholics in America prefer former President Donald Trump over sitting President Joe Biden. According to a Pew Research poll, Catholics are currently favoring the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee Donald Trump over incumbent President Biden for the 2024 presidential campaign.

The poll discovered that 55% of Catholic voters support or are leaning towards voting for Trump in November. By contrast, 45% of Catholic voters back Biden in a matchup against Trump.

In 2020, Trump had a 50% to 49% advantage with Catholics. Biden still maintains a 49% to 47% advantage. Back in 2020, that segment of the population favored Biden to Trump by a margin of 67% to 26%.

Roughly 60% of protestant voters back Trump, and 69% of Atheist voters, agnostic voters, and religiously independent voters support Biden. Just 28% of the latter group was in favor of Trump.

With Trump nominating pro-life judges to the Supreme Court, which played a key role in reversing Roe v. Wade, it’s abundantly clear that Trump is the best bet in the 2024 presidential election for the religious-minded. While Trump is not a devoted follower of organized religion, he at least understands the value of religious freedom. 

This stands in stark contrast to the secular religion that is wokism, which puts anti-white at a premium, and completely trashes traditional religions. If Americans want to preserve their religious freedoms and maintain a robust civil society, electing Trump in Nvember is their best for restoring order.

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