13,000 “Special Interest Aliens” From Terror Hotspots Have Crossed United States Border Since October

Per a source from Customs and Border Protection, over 13,000 migrants the agency deems as “Special Interest Aliens” have been apprehended by the Border Patrol agents since October. These migrants are made up of foreign nationals hailing from Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The source revealed that the majority of the migrants have been released into the United States to obtain asylum status.

The source claims roughly 4,000 Turkish nationals have been encountered by Border Patrol agents around the southwest border in less than the first three months of the new fiscal year. 

The source claims that over 1,300 Special Interest Aliens from Afghanistan were also included in the over 13,000 apprehended since October 1. 

The source also noted that over 300 Sudanese nationals were among the group of Special Interest Aliens that Border Patrol agents were able to apprehend along the southwest border since FY24 kicked off in October. 

Since October, close to 500 Special Interest Aliens from Iran, Syria and Yemen have been apprehended by the Border Patrol agents.

In this group are 250 Syrian nationals, 175 Iranian nationals, and close to 50 Yemeni nationals.

All of these nationals hail from countries that tend to be sympathetic to Hamas and the broader Palestinian cause. By importing these migrants, the US increases the risk of certain tribal conflicts kicking off within its borders owing to the baggage these migrants bring and the US’s controversial policies in the Middle East. 

This is Exhibit A of the dangers of the Invade the World, Invite the World mindset of the American ruling class. 

Hopefully, US leaders wake up and recognize that such policies are unsustainable and will generate nothing but chaos.

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