17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse Shot ANTIFA Pedophile and Domestic Abuser Dead in Kenosha

17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse is being charged with first-degree murder and being called a racist domestic terrorist by Democrats for defending himself at a Black Lives Matter riot in Kenosha, Wisc. earlier this week.
However, the rap sheets of the supposed victims show that Rittenhouse was dealing with seasoned felons, not peace-loving protestors.
One man shot to death by Rittenhouse was 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum. Journalist Andy Ngo reports that Rosenbaum had a lengthy rap sheet that included a conviction for sexual acts with a minor before he met his maker.
The 3 shot (2 killed) in #Kenosha, Wisc. at the BLM riot have been identified.
Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, was the first one killed. Video allegedly shows him chasing teen shooter & throwing something at him. Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender for a sex crime involving a minor. pic.twitter.com/up1VgDyrgZ
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 27, 2020
Ngo also reported on the other two victims. 26-year-old Anthony Huber was also shot to death by Rittenhouse, and he was a serial domestic abuser. 26-year-old Gaige Grosskreutz was lucky to survive, having been shot in the arm by Rittenhouse. He is a member of the People’s Revolution Movement whose previous charges have included intoxication and gun possession.
The third who was shot (& survived) is Gaige Grosskreutz, 26. He's a member of the People’s Revolution Movement. He was filmed chasing after the teen w/a pistol. He was shot at close-range in the upper arm. He has a criminal record that includes being intoxicated & armed w/a gun. pic.twitter.com/U9Q3R7pcPH
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 27, 2020
Despite the fact that Rittenhouse fired at the dregs of society, Democrat politicians are lionizing the ANTIFA cretins and smearing Rittenhouse for defending himself.
Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) issued a tweet calling for the 17-year-old kid to be demonized nationwide:
A 17 year old white supremacist domestic terrorist drove across state lines, armed with an AR 15.
He shot and killed 2 people who had assembled to affirm the value, dignity, and worth of Black lives.
Fix your damn headlines.
— Ayanna Pressley (@AyannaPressley) August 27, 2020
Big League Politics published a fact check about Rittenhouse that exonerated him from charges of racism and showed he was acting in self-defense when firing his rifle at left-wing domestic terrorists:
A shooter in Kenosha, Wisc. who fired on three Black Lives Matter rioters last night, killing two of them, is being reported by leftists on social media as a “white supremacist” and a “militia member.”
However, there is no evidence that the shooter was a white supremacist or involved in any type of violent extremist activity. There is plenty of evidence, however, showing he was acting in self-defense when confronted by the mob.
Video posted by journalist Ian Miles Cheong shows that the mob was throwing projectiles at the fleeing individual before he was forced to shoot at rioters.
A more in-depth analysis of the shooting video shows that shots were fired after he was being chased and threatened by violent leftist thugs. It also shows that the shooter did not run from the scene and appeared to be calling authorities when he was menaced yet again by leftist rioters.
Later on, a mob can be seen attempting to “get his a*s” when he falls as he is running for his life, which causes him to shoot more leftist thugs…
The Democrats are attempting to blame the violence on largely nonexistent bogeyman like white supremacists or militia forces. In actuality, the violence is being caused by their BLM shock troops.
Rittenhouse will have his day in court, and if the jury is non-biased, he will walk a free man for exercising his 1st and 2nd Amendment rights in a way that would have made the Founding Fathers proud.