42 Million Babies were Aborted in 2019, becoming Leading Worldwide Cause of Death
According to the tracking service, Worldometers, 42 million abortions were carried out around the world in 2019. For another year, abortion became the leading cause of death in the world.
As of December 31, Worldometers recorded 42.4 million abortions, which represented more than half the total number of deaths by every other cause (58.6 million). Lifesite News reported that abortions “dwarfed every individual cause of death, including overall deaths due to disease (13 million).”
However, the true total number of abortions is murky because Worldometers uses statistics on health and mortality from the World Health Organization (WHO), which then relies on figures from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute.
“(O)f the 56.3 million global abortions Guttmacher estimates annually, no more than 10 percent can be officially accounted for and only 23 percent have any basis in empirical evidence,” Abort73’s Michael Spielman wrote. “The other 77 percent are assumed based upon a complex statistical model that estimates” a number of factors. Furthermore, Guttmacher “assume(s) a constant abortion rate that is unaffected by the legality of abortion,” potentially to skew the numbers in a way that favors the abortion lobby’s assertion that pro-life laws are ineffective.
Worldometers found similar figures last year, which prompted left-wing outlets such as Snopes to try to downplay the news not by challenging the numbers but by claiming that abortion should not be classified a “cause of death.” However, science shows that embryos and fetuses destroyed in the abortion process are living human beings.
Worldometers does real time tracking on a wide variety of topics relying on data from sources such as the United Nations, WHO, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and more.
As of January 2, Worldometers has already tracked more than 190,000 worldwide abortions so far in 2020.
The right to life is sacred and is clearly not being respected across the globe.
Last year pro-life activists were able to score some big wins in states like Alabama and Georgia by passing heartbeat legislation.
If pro-lifers want to see abortion numbers drop in 2020, they will need to take their activism to the next level.