A Good Samaritan Stopped to Help a Woman Fix Her Car. Then She Falsely Accused Him of Sexual Assault.
Am Australian woman who accused a good samaritan of sexual assault in November after he stopped to help her fix her car has come clean, admitting that she falsified the allegations.
“Kenan Basic spent two weeks in a maximum security prison, lost his job and is now going through a divorce, after a 19-year-old woman made false accusations against him,” according to Daily Mail. “The 36-year-old married father-of-one spent almost two hours helping the woman get her car back on the road.”
Closed caption cameras captured the entire event, which showed nothing indecent between the pair. After the woman drove off, Basic followed her a short distance to make sure her car did not break down. That, according to the woman, was when the sexual assault happened.
But Monday, the woman broke down during an interview with detectives and admitted that she falsified the whole story. She now faces charges of “knowingly making false or misleading statement,” and has a court date next week to answer for her own criminal behavior.
According to the report, Basic said he will never stop to help a woman in need again.
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