Adidas is Expected to Lose Over $1 BILLION After Ditching Kanye West Over Remarks on Jews

Adidas is expecting to lose as much as $1.3 billion after ditching rapper Kanye West, now known as “Ye,” and his extremely popular and lucrative “Yeezy” shoe line.

The company said they expect to lose as much as $1.3 billion with profits dropping by about $535 million as they struggle to repurpose the products once receiving Ye’s branding. They could face an operating loss of nearly $750 billion if they do not figure out how to make a profit without Ye’s support.

Adidas ditched Ye for “unacceptable, hateful and dangerous” comments he made about alleged Jewish monetary and media control last October. They are now learning a hard lesson in the truth of “get woke, go broke” after ditching Ye at the behest of organized thought-control groups.

“The numbers speak for themselves,” Adidas CEO Bjørn Gulden said in a prepared statement. “We are currently not performing the way we should.”

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