Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey Is Blocking Efforts To Ban Forced Vaccination

Alabama Republican Gov. Kay Ivey is stopping efforts in her state to pass an across-the-board ban for coronavirus vaccine mandates, The Federalist reported.

As lawmakers convened for a week-long special session on Thursday, several reportedly demanded the governor add a ban on vaccine mandates in both the public and private sector to the agenda. The pressure comes as businesses with 100 employees or more are preparing to enforce a federal vaccine mandate by Joe Biden.

“The Biden Administration is out of control, and needs to be challenged on these unconstitutional and un-American mandates,” state GOP Chairman John Wahl said in a statement supporting the push in Montgomery to ban the medical coercion. “I want to see Alabama leading the charge to defend the rights and freedoms of our citizens… The Alabama Republican Party fully supports legislation opposing vaccine mandates in the upcoming special session.”

While Ivey signed an executive order barring mandates in Alabama state agencies on Monday, the governor’s ban does not apply to private companies, unlike new protections in Texas and Montana.

Ivey said that she would do nothing to fight Biden’s arguably unconstitutional federal mandate with her executive or legislative power, saying that it should be challenged by the courts rather than statehouse legislation.

“[It] makes no sense to have a federal law and state law at odds,” she said in a Mobile speech Tuesday, according to the local outlet, claiming such a law would place employers in a “bad position” of conflicting rules.

The statement contradicted Ivey’s own order, as she herself had banned mandates from state agencies, which violates the rules of the Biden vaccine mandate forcing shots for workers in the federal government.

Republican businessman Tim James, who is a potential candidate for governor next year, questioned the teeth of Ivey’s executive order, pointing out that it was ignored by a state university. On the same day the governor signed the new rule, Auburn University declared the school would move forward with a requirement forcing all employees to provide proof of a COVID-19 shot by December 8th.

“The executive order reads more like a ‘resolution’ which expresses an ‘opinion or will’ more than a force of law,” James said, according to Yellowhammer News. “The teeth of this executive order wouldn’t bite through a stick of butter as evidenced by Auburn University’s disrespectful response… We need a legislative act of law passed by the legislature and signed by the governor against any employer mandate, both public and private.”

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