Alex Jones Gaining Twitter Followers 100X Faster After Facebook Ban

Alex Jones, Facebook

A popular news reporter is gaining a massive amount of followers on Twitter after being banned from Facebook, YouTube, and Apple iTunes.

According to SocialBlade, InfoWars frontman Alex Jones has gained nearly 22,000 followers today. Before his ban from three of the largest tech giants in the world, he was gaining between 200-300 per day.

Likewise, the InfoWars Twitter account is rapidly gaining followers, increasing from a net of about zero new followers per day, to 4,246 today.

Twitter refused to issue a ban on Jones’ content along with the rest of the tech giants in Silicon Valley, which is by no means meant to be an endorsement of Twitter. The micro-bogging site is just more sly in how it goes about shutting down conservatives, using a “shadowbanning” process.

“A Twitter spokesperson told CNBC on Monday that the accounts do not violate the company’s policies,” the news outlet wrote. “The company also said it is constantly moderating content on its platform and will take action if it needs to, and that much of the content posted to other platforms doesn’t make it to Twitter.”

Jones has been turned into a free speech martyr online, with many conservatives standing against Silicon Valley censorship.

“Congratulations, Silicon Valley leftists. You just made Alex Jones a martyr,” said this reporter in a wildly popular tweet.

“A Democrat Senator openly admitting that Big Tech’s censorship campaign is really about purging all conservative media,” wrote Donald Trump Jr. “How long before Big Tech and their Democrat friends move to censor and purge , and other conservatives voices from their platforms?”

“1. Not an Alex Jones fan. 2. I think he often pushes conspiracy theories. 3. I don’t support platforms silencing him. 4. I think what is happening is dangerous to free speech. 4. Some platforms have become too vital in our system for a few to have such power over access to them,” wrote Breitbart reporter Brandon Darby.

In the case of Jones, the Streisand Effect, defined as “a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet” has taken over.

WATCH Alex Jones’ Response To His Banning From Social Media Platforms (presented here on Periscope):


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