Amidst Unprecedented Rioting and Mayhem, FBI Focuses on Arresting Black Lives Matter’s Opponents

As Black Lives Matter (BLM) and ANTIFA wage war on the streets of America, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is concerned about making sure the thugs stay safe from their opponents as they lay waste to cities throughout the country.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced in a press release on Wednesday that FBI agents had apprehended 42-year-old El Paso resident Manuel Flores for allegedly “posting a threatening communication over the Internet.”
In the offending video, Flores allegedly made several racial slurs and dared BLM activists to try to “stop him” from exercising his Constitutional rights. This caused the feds to intervene in order to protect the organized movement of rioters destroying the country.
“Our office will treat any threats of violence against protesters extremely seriously,” U.S. Attorney John Bash wrote in a statement released over Twitter.
The FBI has carried water for the left-wing agitators since the beginning of the nationwide riots, doing everything they can to paint conservatives and right-wingers as the real threat.
Big League Politics reported on the dubious FBI claims that seemingly cleared ANTIFA terrorists for their role in the riots:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is claiming that there is “no intelligence” indicating that ANTIFA had a role in fomenting riots that have gripped the country.
This directly contradicts President Donald Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr, who immediately assigned the blame toward ANTIFA for the violence that is happening nationwide.
“The violence instigated and carried out by ANTIFA and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” Barr said.
Meanwhile, Trump took to Twitter to announce that “the United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization.”
The FBI’s Washington D.C. field office reportedly claims that they have “no intelligence indicating ANTIFA involvement/presence” in the riots. They also claim that “CHS [Confidential Human Source] canvassing, open source/social media partner engagement, and liaison” absolve ANTIFA from any blame.
However, the FBI is assigning blame to right-wingers for mean words allegedly made in social media groups. They claim individuals on social media “called for far-right provocateurs to attack federal agents” and “use automatic weapons against protesters.” The DHS also claims that far-right social media posts “incited followers to engage in violence and start the ‘boogaloo’ — a term used by some violent extremists to refer to the start of a second Civil War — by shooting in a crowd.”
The deep state clearly wants these riots to continue, as it may be their only chance to avoid the Trump administration’s reprisal for their illegal Russian collusion witch hunt and various other criminal activities.