Android Co-Founder, Paid $90 Million by Google After Sex Assault Claims, is Accused of Running Lurid ‘Sex Ring’

Andy Rubin, a multi-millionaire former Google Executive who co-founded Android, is being accused of running an illicit “sex ring” where he paid extravagant amounts for his mistresses to be involved in threesomes and other lurid sex acts.

The claims have come to light as apart of a divorce proceeding with his soon-to-be ex-wife, Rie Hirabaru Rubin, who is accusing him of hiding millions of dollars from her so he could use it to fund his seedy endeavors.

Rie Rubin is hoping to invalidate a pre-nuptual agreement that she signed before their 2009 marriage, based on the claims that she was lied to repeatedly by her husband who led this double life.

Adding to the possible veracity of her claims is the circumstances behind Rubin’s departure from Google. After he was accused of sexual misconduct in 2014, Google paid him $90 million dollars to leave – essentially providing a monetary incentive of sorts for abuse. This sparked outrage internally within Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent corporation. It even sparked protests in the streets.

Rubin left Google after a fellow employee accused him of forcing her to give him oral sex in a hotel room in 2013. He was still receiving payments from Google as of late 2018.

“We’re encouraged because the court’s tentative order permits the case to go forward,” said Brian Danitz, a lawyer for Rie Rubin. “Still, we’re disappointed the allegations regarding Andy Rubin’s relationships in exchange for payment has been stricken from the complaint.”

The original complaint alleged that Rubin had “affairs with multiple women.” A woman was allegedly “complicit with Rubin in running what appeared to be a sex ring” which involved him creating “‘ownership’ relationships with other women, whereby Rubin would pay for their expenses in exchange for offering them to other men.”

Rubin’s attorney Ellen Stross claims that the complaint filed by his soon-to-be ex-wife is “full of false allegations.”

“This is a garden variety family law dispute involving a wife who regrets her decision to execute a prenuptial agreement,” Stross said in a statement.

Rubin denies any culpability for anything, from the sexual assault allegations while at Google to his ex-wife’s claims of deceit and sexual impropriety. Despite his denials, the case may serve as a window into the morals and values of a depraved Silicon Valley elite that aims to become the arbiter of permissible thought for the entire world.

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