Angel Moms Get Meeting with Trump After BLP Report

Angel Moms, the mothers of Americans slain by illegal aliens, were finally able to meet with President Donald J. Trump Friday morning after senior level Trump officials blocked them from doing so Thursday.

The Angel Moms met with Trump the White House at 9:30 a.m. Friday, and later attended his press conference during which he declared a national emergency in order to free up $8 billion for border wall funding. He referenced them when CNN’s ever-petulant Jim Acosta asked Trump whether he thought he was “creating a national emergency.”

“I’ll ask the Angel Moms. Do you think I’m creating something? Ask these incredible women who lost their daughters and their sons. Your question is a very political question,” Trump said in response.

Trump went on to pummel CNN for being fake news.

The Angel Moms were able to visit with the Trump after Big League Politics shined a light on his senior level staff who blocked them from visiting yesterday, fearing that they would cause Trump not to sign the disastrous budget bill. They even confronted Acosta after the press briefing.

We reported:

Multiple sources inside the White House have confirmed for Big League Politics that high-level officials within the President Donald J. Trump’s administration  – without Trump’s knowledge – denied Angel Moms a meeting with Trump to discuss Thursday’s proposed budget bill, which does not include full border wall funding.

Sabine Durden, one of the Angel Moms, a group of brave activists whose children have been slain by illegal aliens, was denied the opportunity to meet with Trump to discuss her opposition to the budget.

“Somebody doesn’t want Donald Trump to see us, because one look at us and our dead children, and he won’t want to sign that bill,” said Angel Mom Sabine Durden. “This request to meet with Donald Trump has been put in for quite some time, so it was a surprise.”

According to multiple sources, Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and Director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp personally nuked the meeting. The sources told BLP that Trump does not even know that the Angel Moms are in Washington, D.C., and that his staff is actively working to make sure that Trump does not learn of their presence.

“I don’t want [Trump] seeing dead kids before the budget vote because then he won’t vote for it,” Mulvaney reportedly said.

Unfortunately, Mulvaney accomplished his goal of getting Trump to sign a bogus budget bill that strips him of the power to actually decide whether the wall gets built in the Rio Grande Valley, and provides a loophole barring the deportation any illegal adult who claims to be connected to an “unaccompanied” illegal minor, which is a dream come true for human traffickers.

It is unclear whether the national emergency declaration will allow Trump to subvert those provisions of the bill.

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