Anti-Gun Activists are Outraged Over Pro-Gun Lawmaker’s “Sexist” Behavior

Gun control activists were enraged at a handful of male lawmakers wearing pearl necklaces at a gun control hearing in the New Hampshire House of Representatives.

During arguments over a red flag confiscation bill, the cameras focused on the male lawmakers donning necklaces.

Like clockwork, accusations of sexism were lobbed at the lawmakers.

In the gun control activists’ view, “These politicians thought gun-control activists were “clutching their pearls” in overwrought and self-righteous outrage — and, specifically, female outrage.”

The gun control advocates, members of the rabidly anti-gun group Moms Demand Action, felt they were mocked.

The founder of Moms Demand Action, Shannon Watt said “It really is shameful to behave that way when your constituents are being brave enough to share their stories.”

Watts added, “They clearly did not come to this hearing with open minds or compassion for their constituents.”

“Red flag” confiscation orders allow family members, acquaintances, and law enforcement to obtain court orders to take away an individual’s firearms with complete disregard to due process. This legislation is the gun control flavor of the week that’s already become law in 14 states.

However, there is more to the story.

Members of the pro-gun Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire came to the defense of three lawmakers, Daryl Abbas, Scott Wallace and David Welch, who wore these pearls. Their members argued that the pearls symbolize opposition to the red flag gun confiscation scheme in question.

In their view, wearing these pearls represents standing up for gun safety and women’s rights. Kimberly Morin, the president of Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire, made this very clear in a tweet:
“The PEARLS are in support of the Women’s Defense League. Women who ACTUALLY PROMOTE GUN SAFETY and WOMEN’S RIGHTS.”
Anti-gun Democrats jumped in on the outrage.
Democratic State Representative Debra Altschiller, the sponsor of the red flag gun confiscation bill, said that her Republican colleagues should have been more considerate to the Moms Demand Action activists.
Altschiller commented on Twitter:
“There are families who have lost loved ones here & this mocking prop shows how little they empathize with suicide.”
Democratic presidential candidates also got their licks in.
New Jersey Senator Cory Booker said, “Moms who want to keep their kids safe from gun violence don’t deserve this.”
California Senator Kamala Harris added,  “These moms are fighting to confront gun violence and protect our children.”
In Harris’s view, these activists “don’t deserve to be mocked.”
Moms Demand Action and their anti-gun cronies doth protest too much. This is clearly a case of sensitive leftists trying to find outrage where it doesn’t exist.
The modern-day Left is offended by practically everything and likes to turn the most casual of behavior into a media-fueled outrage.
The only thing offensive about this situation is the fact that a gun confiscation bill is being introduced.
That should make any freedom-loving American outraged.


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