Anti-Gun Organizations Team Up to Back Biden Regime’s Pistol Brace Regulation

The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and March For Our Lives Foundation recently teamed up with the Biden regime to effectively ban the AR pistol. 

These civilian disarmament organizations revealed that they filed a third-party brief backing an appeal to a federal court’s previous decision to halt a new rule from the ATF that would effectively prohibit the firearm.

The aforementioned organizations teamed up with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) because they believe that AR-style pistols equipped with “stabilizing braces” are dangerous and have been connected to four mass shootings.

Yvin Shin, with March For Our Lives, asserted, “Stabilizing braces turn an already deadly weapon into an exponentially more efficient weapon of terror and mass destruction.”

Late in 2023, a federal district court judge in Texas put a national injunction on the ATF regulation after it went into effect. The judge claimed that ATF had abused its power in targeting the braces, which have been used for years to help physically handicapped shooters hold the large AR-style pistols.

At the heart of this controversy is how the ATF changed its description of the braces in how they can be used as rifle stocks, transforming AR pistols into short-barrelled rifles of the size that necessitate taxes and regulation as outlined by the National Firearms Act.

According to a Washington Examiner report, there are roughly 20 million AR-style pistols in circulation. Under the ATF’s new regulation, individuals who don’t register those guns and pay a $200 tax could face up to 10 years of prison time.

The four civilian disarmament organizations contended that the ATF made the right move and said it would save lives.

The Biden regime has consistently pushed for a complete prohibition on sales of all kinds of AKs and ARs. .

The gun industry has opposed this ATF rule, which it argues infringes the Second Amendment and violates recent pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court decisions. On top of that, the gun industry contended that the ATF changed its mind on a whim without issuing a warning and after allowing millions of gun owners to use these accessories for years. 

The Biden regime knows it can’t pass gun control via conventional legislative means so it’s turning to administrative, bureaucratic tyranny to advance this agenda. Gun owners must acknowledge this new threat and use litigation in the federal court system and nullification at the state and local level to safeguard our rights from unconventional anti-gun threats. 

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