In the aftermath of the Parkland, Florida shooting that left 17 people dead, a number of students have become vocal anti-gun activists. Big League Politics has extensively covered these student organizers, and the massive gun control machine backing them.
This week, TIME Magazine hosted a front page story titled “The School Shooting Generation Has Had Enough,” in which they describe the plight of the anti-gun organizers of the so-called “#NeverAgain” movement.
In that story, they highlight the main organizers, including 17-year old Cameron Kasky. While speaking to Kasky, he made his disdain for those who disagree with anti-gun views well known, stating: “The world failed us, and we’re here to make a new one that’s going to be easier on the next generation. If you’re against that, then get out.”
So Kasky clearly doesn’t like those who are pro-gun, and would much rather they get out of the U.S. Casky is second from the right on the TIME cover.