ANTIFA Militants Stake Out Leftist ‘Autonomous Zone’ In Seattle

Seattle ANTIFA militants are now claiming to have seceded from the United States, occupying six city blocks in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. They’re styling the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone as a sovereign state, warning anyone who reaches the area’s border wall(ironically enough) that they are leaving the United States.

The leftists have proven themselves more than partial to the use of border walls on the strict provision that they’re allowed complete political control. ANTIFA militants have been seen staffing the autonomous zone’s borders, some of them armed.

Seattle Police had abandoned a nearby police precinct station to a combined force of looters and rioters over the weekend, giving the ANTIFA militants a green light to secede from the United States and set up their so-called autonomous zone.

The political criminals proceeded to occupy the building, restyling the Seattle Police precinct as a “people” department.

As of Tuesday morning, the leftists are reportedly demanding the assistance of “white people” in maintaining their protostate in downtown Seattle. City authorities are yet to launch any effort to regain the small commune for the United States, instead opting to cave to the political fantasies petulant, ridiculous upper-class activists.

Perhaps it’d be best to allow the delusional ANTIFA militants to keep their territory, on the strict condition that they provide for their own food, water, electricity, gasoline, and municipal services.

Language on the ANTIFA state’s border walls threatens to kill police and ICE personnel.

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