ANTIFA Thug Who Attacked Republican Senator’s Office With Axe Sentenced to Probation

A progressive thug who attacked the office of a Republican US Senator with an axe has been sentenced to probation and a fine in a federal trial, raising serious questions about bias pertaining to political crimes in the federal justice system.
Thomas “Tas” Alexander Starks attacked the front door of US Senator John Hoeven’s office in Fargo, North Dakota in late 2020, causing serious damages. The progressive thug would go on to plead guilty to charges of destruction of government property in a federal trial, the jurisdiction elevated on account of the Senator’s involvement.
Unequal justice equal injusticeThomas Alexander Starks is a self-professed far left Antifa anarchist. He was arrested for destruction of a Republican Senator's office in North Dakota and has pleaded guilty to the charge.
— Ms. P (@MaP17163529) November 28, 2021
Starks has been fined $2,784 in restitution and will be placed on probation for the crime. Federal sentencing guidelines indicate that destruction of government property is punishable by 10-16 months in prison. The so-called QAnon shaman, Jacob Chansley, was sentenced to 41 months in prison for merely trespassing into the US Senate chamber and walking around on January 6th. Progressives have sought draconian sentences and punishments for January 6th demonstrators who committed misdemeanors far less violent and destructive than Starks’ axe attack.
Starks even bragged of his ANTIFA affiliations while awaiting sentencing, striking a tone that seemed totally unrepentant of his violent actions. “I am ANTIFA. I will always attack fascists, racial superiority complexes built around nationalism that promotes genocide to fuel a war machine is the worst humanity has to offer.”
On his Facebook account, Starks even bragged about getting his axe back from the FBI.
In other Facebook postings, Starks expresses his unrepentant attitudes.
Democrat Party officials, including the chair of North Dakota’s state party, donated to Starks’ legal defense, in what amounts to a hypocritical endorsement of political violence.
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