AOC and the Squad Raise Bail Money for Cop-Attacking ANTIFA Thugs at ‘Straight Pride Parade’


Reps. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-MI), two members of the far-left “Squad” of multicultural women of color elected to Congress last year, are fundraising for the ANTIFA terrorists who committed acts of violence on the streets of Boston against law enforcement this past weekend.

Four police officers were hurt trying to keep the peace against violent ANTIFA agitators who wanted the “Straight Pride Parade” event shut down. They had plotted the violence well ahead of time, as Big League Politics reported, and their premeditated violence caused police to suffer injuries.

Ocasio-Cortez, after posting the fundraising tweet on behalf of the ANTIFA terrorists, issued a follow-up Tweet taunting the lawful protesters who she had previously called white supremacists without providing evidence.

Despite the violent presence of the ANTIFA terrorists, event organizers consider the event an incredible success as attendees not only had a good time but also triggered the extremist Left and forced them to show their true colors simultaneously.

“We had a stellar lineup of speakers at city hall, with a rocking sound system for everyone to hear their point of view. Every speaker who showed up was able to express their position,” said liberty activist Samson Racioppi, one of the event’s primary organizers.

“Many media outlets have reported it was “unclear” which side the arrests were on, but all it takes is a little research to find that the sole source of violence and unrest was at the hands of so-called ‘tolerant’ protesters,” he added.

“From the beginning we have made it clear that everyone is welcome to our movement; yet the lies do not stop from both mainstream media outlets and protesters alike,” Racioppi explained.

They plan to host more straight pride parades in Boston and across the country, through their organization Super Happy Fun America, having made national news and garnering the ire of some of the most anti-American legislators in the nation.

“We are building infrastructure for other chapters to open up across the country, and the world. There are rumors of another event in the Boston area for Christmas,” Racioppi said.

Ocasio-Cortez and Pressley have now officially allied with the ANTIFA terrorist group, helping them raise bail funds as they violently accost law enforcement in the streets. President Trump may have been correct when he told them to “go back” to wherever “they came.”

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