AOC Supports Mark Cuban’s Push for “Trickle Up Economics” AKA Federal Jobs and Stimulus Programs

Mark Cuban and freshman congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are becoming strange bedfellows.
On May 17, 2020, Cuban went on Twitter to float the idea of a federal jobs program to track and trace the Wuhan virus. This would be a program to transition workers back into the economy despite the economic upheaval. Cuban argued that the Paycheck Protection Program didn’t stimulate the economy and instead asserted that consumer demand is the only factor that can rescue businesses.
“It’s time for trickle up economics,” he stated. “We need a transitional fed jobs program that trains and hires millions for a federal tracking/tracing/testing program as well as for support for at risk populations including long term care. We need to dent unemployment with stable jobs.”
Cuban also put forward the idea of a $500 billion “use it or lose it” temporary spending stimulus program where 128 million U.S. households could receive a $1,000 check every two weeks for the next two months that must be spent within 10 days or it ends up expiring.
Last month, unemployment reached about 15 percent due to jobs lost from the Wuhan virus pandemic.
“This is not like the recessions of the past, even the Great Recession, where we had time to allow entrepreneurs just to create enough businesses or create enough jobs,” Cuban said to the Washington Examiner last week. “We’re down 30 million-plus jobs in two months.”
“We may have to go to jobs programs like we did in the ‘30s, which would make perfect sense for like tracking, and tracing, and testing where we train healthcare workers to do that and create 2 or 3 million jobs,” he continued.
Ocasio-Cortez noticed the thread and agreed with the tycoon.
“Totally agree,” AOC tweeted on May 17. “It’s time for a Federal Jobs Guarantee.”
On previous occasions, Cuban has expressed his fondness for AOC but does disagree with some of her policies however.