Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Deep State is Working With “Deep Church” to Transform Catholic Church into Spiritual Arm of New World Order

A Catholic Archbishop who formerly served as the Vatican’s ambassador to the United States is accusing elements of the Catholic hierarchy of operating as a “deep church,” working in conjunction with the so-called American deep state.
Archbishop Viganò is known as something of a conservative “dissident” within the Catholic episcopate, most notably publicly accusing Pope Francis and other senior Vatican officials of failing to act after being made aware of credible accusations of sexual abuse against now-disgraced American ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
The missive can be read in full at LifeSiteNews. In the letter, Viganò speaks critically of Pope Francis, a practice that is exceptionally rare within the college of Catholic bishops, let alone on the part of an Archbishop who recently served as a prominent member of the Church’s diplomatic hierarchy. Archbishop Viganò speaks of the traditional Jesuit(a religious order in which the Pope began his clerical career) practice of declining positions of authority in the Catholic hierarchy.
Viganò pointed to what he identifies as a “Deep Church” in the letter, arguing that elements within the Catholic hierarchy are working to utilize the Catholic Church to advance a vision of global neoliberal authoritarianism. He references major Catholic bishops in the United States who seem to have at least implicitly endorsed Joe Biden- a staunchly pro-abortion Democrat.
“The United States is witnessing the highest levels and centers of cultural influence of the American Catholic Church shamelessly siding in favor of the Democratic candidate and more generally in favor of the entire apparatus that has been consolidating in recent decades within the public administration.
The Deep State, Trump’s sworn enemy, is joined by a Deep Church that spares no criticisms and accusations against the incumbent President while winking indecorously with Biden and BLM, slavishly following the narration imposed by the mainstream. It matters little that Trump is openly pro-life and defends the non-negotiable principles that the Democrats have renounced – the important thing is to transform the Catholic Church into the spiritual arm of the New World Order, so as to have an imprimatur from the highest moral authority in the world, something that was impossible with Benedict XVI.”
Senior American Catholic leaders such as Cardinal Joseph Tobin, the Archbishop of Newark, have essentially endorsed the unlimited abortion supporter.
Viganò goes on to rebuke nominally ‘Catholic’ left-wing American politicians for their support of far-left, anti-Christian political causes.
“Prodi and Gentiloni in Italy – and we would also add Premier Conte, given his origin and his education – have their counterparts on the American side in so-called Catholic personalities like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Andrew Cuomo: all of them proudly support abortion and gender indoctrination, and all of them are proudly in favor of the Antifa and Black Lives Matter movements that are setting entire American cities on fire.”
Viganò also points to the “abandonment of the Chinese Catholic community” he identifies a recent agreement between the Vatican and the Communist Chinese government as, lauding Secretary of State Michael Pompeo for condemning the agreement.
“Why does the Vatican, which is silent in the face of the Democratic party’s support for abortion and the violation of the most basic human rights in China, consider the Trump Administration to have no right to interfere in an agreement that has obvious repercussions in the international political balance?”
Quite the striking language from the Archbishop. American Catholics who seek to vote in accordance with Catholic moral teaching have serious questions to ask about the Church hierarchy’s fidelity to their religion as it pertains to the public sphere.