Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Issues Letter to Catholic Bishops Warning of COVID-19 Vaccine Regime

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a dissenter against Pope Francis who has alleged the pontiff’s culpability in pedophilia scandals, has issued a warning about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Vigano wrote a letter to Catholic Bishops explaining health issues with the experimental vaccine and how the public policy ramifications of pushing the vaccine will eviscerate human freedom.

“I believe there are some aspects of the question that now allow for a more complete evaluation of what these drugs are and what effects they cause; this evaluation ought to lead to a collegial stance, in conformity with the Magisterium of the Church and not influenced by biased information or by erroneous news spread by the producers of these drugs or by the media,” he wrote.

“Treatment with hyper-immune plasma was strongly discouraged and boycotted by pharmaceutical companies and doctors financed by them, because it does not cost anything and renders the analogous therapy useless, which is made in laboratories with monoclonal cells at exorbitant costs,” Vigano added.

Vigano pulled no punches in calling out what he alleged to be a depopulation agenda behind the manufacture and pushing of these vaccines amidst a mass hysteria scenario.

“I realize that it may be extremely unpopular to take a position against the so-called vaccines, but as Shepherds of the flock of the Lord we have the duty to denounce the horrible crime that is being carried out, whose goal is to create billions of chronically ill people and to exterminate millions and millions of people, based on the infernal ideology of the “Great Reset” formulated by the President of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and endorsed by institutions and organizations around the world,” he wrote.

His entire letter can be viewed here.

Big League Politics has reported about other whistleblowers who echo Vigano’s concerns about the apocalyptic nature of the vaccine regime:

Former Pfizer chief scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon, who has emerged as a prominent whistleblower against the COVID-19 vaccine regime, has issued a dark proclamation for what is to come now that the technocracy is taking shape.

Yeadon wrote of what is to come on his Telegram channel considering major tech monopolies would never allow him to spread his message on their tightly-controlled propaganda platforms.

“The world economy has been reshaped, destroying big chunks of the aspirational middle classes as well as their predecessors. Billions of people are somewhere between unstable & clinically insane. Lockdown, masks, business closures. Immunity, PCR, vaccines, all lies or severely misleading takes on everything,” he wrote. 

“The worst part, from my perspective, has been the Soviet level of propaganda, suppression & censorship. Not only main / legacy media but almost the entire internet is controlled by perpetrators,” Yeadon added, before asking: “Where is this all going?”

Yeadon believes that this is all headed toward a massive depopulation plan, which has long been speculated as being the capstone of the new world order.

“There’s a large group who genuinely don’t know what’s going on, a growing number of whom are stirring uneasily. They sense it doesn’t all add up. They won’t be initiators but could be recruited by an alternative narrative that’s not only plausible but true,” he wrote.

More Catholics need to follow in Vigano’s footsteps and speak out against the unholy measures being perpetrated on mankind under the guise of public health.

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