Arguments for Pro-Gun Organization’s Lawsuit Against Illinois “Assault Weapons” Ban are Heard in 7th Circuit Court

On June 29, 2023, oral arguments were held for the National Association for Gun Rights’ (NAGR) lawsuit against the state of Illinois’ Assault Weapons Ban, Bevis v. Naperville, at the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Bevis v. Naperville was the first legal challenge against the Illinois Assault Weapons Ban to reach the 7th Circuit, and was expedited by the 7th Circuit as a response to Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s decision to consider NAGR’s motion for an injunction pending appeal.

“Today is just another step towards overturning Illinois’ unconstitutional law,” declared Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights. “Under Bruen, there is no doubt in my mind the days of Illinois’ Assault Weapons Ban are numbered, and the National Association for Gun Rights will not rest until rights of the people of the Prairie State are fully restored.”

The NAGR lawsuit contends that the Illinois Assault Weapons Ban infringes the 2022 Supreme Court decision established in the NYSRPA V. Bruen ruling, which declared that gun control laws must find their justification in the Second Amendment’s history, text, and tradition

“This law bans firearms that are in common use throughout the United States, including the most popular rifle in America. Our members are chomping at the bit to snuff out semi-auto bans across America. Putting an end to Illinois’ gun ban will be a great victory for the Second Amendment nationwide,” Brown said in a concluding remark.

After the June 29 hearing, NAGR made the following statement:

Our case is simple. Illinois’ semi-auto ban is a direct violation of the Second Amendment, and it cannot withstand the text, history, and tradition test imposed by the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling. We are hopeful that we will prevail at the Seventh Circuit, but we are prepared to fight all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary, where we are confident of ultimately striking down this unconstitutional gun ban.

As a no compromise gun lobby that counts on the support of 4.5 million members nationwide, NAGR is one of the leading voices for Second Amendment restoration in America.

It can always be counted on to fight gun control measures at all levels of government. Hopefully, more right-wingers recognize NAGR’s great work and contribute to its great cause.

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