Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar Introduces Bill to Sue Pharmaceutical Companies for Vaccine Injuries

On September 25, 2024, Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar introduced H.R. 9828, the End the Vaccine Carveout Act.
The following day Gosar put out a press release detailing what the bill would do. The legislation would get rid of vaccine manufacturers’ liability protections.
Gosar noted that this liability shield led to pharmaceutical companies raking in billions of dollars in profits while leaving tens of thousands of people without the power to pursue justice and compensation for injuries the vaccines brought about.
Although federal bureaucrats and Big Pharma insist that vaccines are safe, there is an unfortunate lack of science regarding the safety of vaccines. For example, a review of 12,000 scientific papers by the Institute of Medicine published in 2012 found that 98% of injuries studied were either caused by or may have been caused by a vaccine. Another government study found that while vaccines caused injuries in 10 percent of cases, only one percent get reported, meaning those injured by vaccines are vastly undercounted.
The Arizona congressman highlighted the death toll that the Wuhan virus vaccines have brought about:
Furthermore, according to the Center for Disease Control’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, nearly 20,000 Americans were reported as having been killed to date by a COVID-19 vaccine, equating to one death for every 14,000 people vaccinated, much higher than the one in a million deaths that is normally cited for dangerous vaccines.
Gosar highlighted the unholy partnerships forged among government functionaries, scientists, and the pharmaceutical sector to ensure that these vaccines be rolled out in an expeditious manner:
“Government bureaucrats and scientists responsible for approving vaccines are in bed with Big Pharma, often owning pharmaceutical stocks, serving as consultants and receiving lucrative contracts from pharmaceutical companies that pressure them to produce favorable results which is in direct violation of federal law.
Worse, many scientists and researchers in government agencies develop patents for vaccines that are approved by the very agencies they work for, creating a conflict of interest and raising serious questions about the impartiality of their decisions.”
In a concluding segment, Gosar pointed to a law passed in 1986 shields vaccine manufacturers from liability for injuries the vaccines cause and how this bill would do away with these protections:
“Under current law, it is nearly impossible to hold vaccine manufacturers liable for injuries caused by vaccines due to a 1986 law that unfairly created a special immunity carveout for Big Pharma, making it very difficult for vaccine-injured victims to win in a court of law.
My legislation strips away current immunity provisions unfairly shielding Big Pharma from the harms caused by their products and allows those injured by vaccines to pursue a civil lawsuit in state or federal court. Big Pharma doesn’t deserve a get-out-of-jail-free card for injuries caused by their harmful vaccines.”
Big Pharma is one of the most pernicious institutions in the US. It needs to be exposed and its power must be reduced if we want to have a healthy population that’s free of noxious concoctions put forward by greedy oligarchs.