Arizona State Senate Passes ‘Build The Wall’ Bill
Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers announced Wednesday evening the state senate passed a bill to build a border wall in Arizona.
The announcement was made on both social media and a through a press release on Roger’s website called “Rock Star Legislator Wendy Rogers Gets Bill Passed In State Senate To Build The Arizona Wall.”
“My bill to build the wall on state lands in Arizona passed the Arizona Senate. Amazing courage to all of the AYES. Thank you all,” wrote the state senator on Twitter.
The bill, SB1032, promises to appropriate $700,000,000 from the state general fund in the fiscal year 2022-2023 to a newly established border security fund in order “to administer and manage the construction and maintenance of a physical border fence pursuant to section 26-105” of Arizona’s Revised Statutes.
Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar (R) took to social media in order to congratulate Rogers on the bill’s passage. Gosar tweeted, “Yes! Great job @WendyRogersAZ @SonnyBorrelli @NancyBarto and the rest of you! The number one job of government is to keep the people safe.”
Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers has made headlines before after declaring she had enough of the border crisis and is ready for decisive action.
“I want to see some tanks on our border. A wall and some tanks. We are at that point,” Rogers said in December.
It was that same month when Arizona Governor Doug Ducey held a press conference at the southern border criticizing the Biden administration’s miserable national security in failing to protect it. Several illegal aliens can be observed crossing the border during the clip.
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